Now, what could happen in a warmer world?
We have only been asking this question, but never battled it. It has always
been a series of questions that has floated for years and decades. Yet, we have
no answers. But, do we really need just answers? We require concrete action for
a transformed future. While we skim through weather reports, articles and posts
over the internet, what we find are the numerous ways the human race is nearing
its doomsday. For answers, one is not looking for remedies or New year resolutions,
but action that is oriented towards inducing a safe surrounding within the
short framework that we have.
The stark challenges that we have been struck with are countless, such as, ‘Earth’s surface is heating faster than ever’, ‘the world emits 43 billion Co2 emissions a year’ etc. These reasons are caused by the unequivocal role of humans, hence the excess heating and climate extremes in places around the world. The presence of global warming itself has predicted our futures in a world of suffering. Unless carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere, temperatures will continue to rise. To limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, we must cut fossil-fuel consumption in half by 2030 and completely phase out by 2050, bringing total human carbon dioxide emissions to zero. Living through these hard and hot times calls for an ultimate ‘cool off’ of the excess heat, and this can only be achieved by limiting the human impact which in all moral aspects is not ‘humanitarian’ but a casually cruel exploitation of all the advantages we have in our surroundings for the sole purpose of man’s ‘development’.
So, what solutions do we have? The most basic approach would be to work hard towards limiting the heating of the Earth. The clearest approach would be to reduce energy-intensive consumption as fast as we can. Additionally, our actions should also focus on fabricating renewable energy resources and turning down our reliability on fossil fuels. Rather than extreme weather, irreversible loss of species and ecosystems will be one of the worst consequences of climate change. Many species are on the verge of extinction all over the world as a result of factors like heat, rain, and sea-level rise. The rate of extinction is expected to increase with each degree rise in surface temperature. To support this approach, 100% renewable electricity standards,
the promotion of high-quality public transportation, and higher carbon prices are all required, and they must all be implemented in a way that protects the poorest people from the inflationary effects of climate action.
In conclusion, all we need is a sane action for climate change while also helping Countries and States deal with the unavoidable costs and burdens of this disaster. So, let’s not delay for a change, because if we do, “we will be looking back at today’s extremes as “the good old days” (IPCC).