Sustainable Development society (SUNDESH) has been working towards enabling the socio-economically marginalised members of the community to become self-reliant. SUNDESH was established in 1994 and has been tirelessly working towards holistic development of rural areas and urban populace through Integrated Community Development Programmes. SUNDESH has been operating progressively in Uttar Pradesh.

SUNDESH, an outcome of the vision of Emeritus Chairman Mr. Pradip Burman, was formed to reach out to the weaker and vulnerable sections such as women & children, illiterate & unemployed of our society. SUNDESH works towards sustainable development in 3 key areas – Environment, Economy & Community. SUNDESH has been involved in the social development sector for more than 27 years, starting with health care services and gradually working on issues related to rural development on a sustainable basis. Over the years, SUNDESH has contributed to many worthy causes, such as addressing children’s literacy, improving healthcare services, skill development, and environment, to name a few.

The five pillars of community Development Strategy adopted by SUNDESH are:-

Livelihood through Vocational Training
Environment sustainability
Village Development Programs

The long-term goal is to create value for all stakeholders and foster rural prosperity by empowering women. SUNDESH has covered a lot of ground, but there are miles to go before huge disparity is bridged and a better future is delivered to every child & women, with an ultimate aim to put smile on every face.