Mobius Foundation

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24 hours of Reality -Watch Party Eco Toilets Livinguard Filters Mask Dstribution Activity Mobius Office Launch Sanjeevani Phase 2 Training Sessions – Sanat and Ayurvet Staff

प्रदीप बर्मन: एक ऐसे आंट्रप्रन्योर जो पर्यावरण को काफी गंभीरता से लेते हैं

posted in: Newsroom | 1

नवोन्मषकों एवं परोपकारियों के परिवार में पैदा हुए प्रदीप बर्मन डाबर के संस्थापक डॉ. एस. के. बर्मन के प्रपौत्र हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से ही इन गुणों को अपने आचार-व्यवहार में समाहित कर लिया। प्रदीप अभी नवोन्मेष आधारित उभरती फार्मास्युटिकल कंपनी … Continued


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SUNDESH, an outcome of the vision of Dabur founder Dr. S.K Burman, was formed in 1993 to reach out to the weaker and vulnerable sections of our society. SUNDESH had been quietly working towards inclusive growth and empowering the society … Continued


posted in: Newsroom | 152

In a bid to increase green cover in state, a mass tree plantation drive is to be undertaken by Mobius Foundation in collaboration with NGO Saathi on 7th of June. The project is to mark the occasion of World Environment … Continued

48 Mobile Health Camps in Haryana

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In a humble demonstration of a sheer sense of responsibility to respond to the long-standing demands of basic health care facilities from the community, we have organized 48 Mobile Health Camps in the remote areas of Sonepat and Panipat districts. … Continued